
the big day

Birthday Buddies =)

My birthday was awesome. It was exactly how I wanted it to go. My co workers took me to an awesome lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. We also had frozen yogurt and bought lotto tickets. Then I got to leave an hour early. =)

After work I headed over to my friends house because her husband and I have the same birthday so we were having a joint birthday bbq.

All the friends I care most about were there. We ate, drank, played beer pong, talked, and LAUGHED. It was great!

We both took bites out of the cake. It was actually pretty funny. I haven't done that since I was turning one ;) haha!

The weekend continued to be great. Anthony and I went to an Italian Festival. Wish I would have had my camera to get some yummy food shots. sigh..

Sunday, Anthony and I relaxed, ate yummy sandwiches, sat at Starbucks with our laptops, saw Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore, and then had another birthday get together at my moms house. I love that my mom still takes the time to celebrate my birthday with a cake and everything. I love her.

Well here's to 24 years down and hopefully a lot more great ones ahead.

1 comment:

molly said...

yay happy birthday!! that cake looks yummy!!