
Black Friday!

Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving!! I sure did.... I stuffed myself silly! At least I ran a 5K in the morning to counteract the amount of food that was consumed. I think I still gained at least 3 pounds though. It was worth it. 

I have to admit that I already got a start on Christmas! I ordered my cards on Shutterfly and I couldn't be happier with them! They gave me a code so I could post it on here and I get $10 dollars off my next order so I figured might as well share! 

I also survived my first black friday experience. And it was nothing like you see on TV. I just went to Target this morning at 9am and it was packed at all! It was actually quite enjoyable. I sipped on a coffee and got a few things checked off my list. To be honest though, I snagged a few good deals for myself. I couldn't help it! =) 

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.


Eleanor at Mirror Of My World said...

hi ashley
what a lovely blog you have.
lets be blog friends, come and visit me over at www.mirrorofmyworld.blogspot.co.uk


OneCraftyFox said...

I found you over at Dancing Branflake, I absolutely love your Jump For Joy pics :)